Project 715: Windows 10 End of Support

Welcome to the Windows 10 Computer Replacement Project page. Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 10 in October 2025, which means no new security patches will be released. Once this happens, the devices present a significant security risk and will no longer be allowed on the university network. 

Computers running Windows 10 will either need to be replaced, retired, or removed from the network. If replacement is desired, departments will need to purchase a new computer.  Note: The Office of OneIT has a limited inventory of 4-year-old laptops that can be used as replacements. Departments may request this option for replacement; laptops will be reallocated on a first come first serve basis. Additional information will be provided to IT Directors and department liaisons.

Even though Windows 11 was released to the campus community in 2022, there are still more than 1000 computers that use Windows 10 and can not be upgraded. These computers are associated with colleges and departments all across campus. This initiative helps individuals, departments, and colleges determine what to do with these computers. It includes upgrading devices that can be upgraded, deploying replacement computers, and surplussing of computers that are no longer needed.


  • January 2025: Initial inventory lists shared with college and department leadership for review and validation; OneIT begins upgrading any computers that can be upgraded.
  • February 2025: Inventory list shared with unit leaders. Unit leaders work with individuals to make decisions about replacement or retired. Unit leaders identify funding for new computers.
  • February – March 2025: Unit leaders continue to identify funding and start procuring replacement devices. OneIT replaces, upgrades, and retires computers; decisions are made about individual devices.
  • April -September 2025: Departments continue to procure replacement computers; OneIT continues to replace, upgrade and retire computers.
  • October 1, 2025: Remaining Windows 10 devices are disconnected from the network.

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For more information or assistance with the decision-making process, please submit a hardware request to the OneIT Service Desk. The request will be routed to the appropriate IT Director.