What is a project?

IT projects come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are large and directly impact users across campus. Others are small and transparent to end users but critical for successful operations.

Regardless of the size and scope of projects, OneIT needs to know about them so that we can partner with divisions to plan resources and develop actionable timetables. 

There are two main project types:

  1. Initiatives (University or Division Strategic)
  2. Required

Projects are assessed on scope, complexity, risk, and impact. Based on those factors, projects may be led by the OneIT PPMO or by division project leads. We’re here to help make that determination.

What is an IT Project?

  • Unique
  • Temporary with a distinct beginning and end
  • Defined by specific deliverables
  • Requires a team to be convened that collaborates on the work


  • New service to campus
  • New enterprise software
  • Major updates to existing systems 
  • Feature requests for existing systems
  • New and/or replacement systems used by many people, departments, colleges
  • New software that requires integrations with existing systems
  • Revised process and workflows that will use existing systems like DocuSign, Salesforce etc.

What is not an IT Project?

  • Requests for existing services; see the OneIT Service Catalog 
  • Routine help that typically goes through the OneIT Service Desk 
  • Requests for individuals
  • Requests for new websites and/or to update website content
  • Requests for new software with limited use (e.g individual and a department)

New Software Purchases

It can be difficult to determine if a software purchase is an IT project.  The size and scope of impact matter; if it is enterprise software intended to be used by a large population, yes, it is a project. Smaller purchases for individuals or departments may not be. However, if in doubt, submit a project request.

All software purchases must follow the process and guidelines developed by Business Affairs. Please complete the Software & IT-Related Request Form to initiate IT review required for all software and IT-related procurement. OneIT reviews all software and IT-related contract requests and requires additional information.